Himalaya Tentex Forte
Himalaya Tentex Forte enhances power, strength, and endurance. As an aphrodisiac, kapikachchu promotes the synthesis of hormones linked to the brain's "pleasure system." The herb is a preventative measure against reduced sperm count, or oligospermia. Shilajeet improves sexual performance by rejuvenating the body and acting as an adaptogen.
Gokshura strengthens the penile tissue, which helps with erectile dysfunction. Small Caltrops contain protodioscin, a precursor of testosterone that the body transforms into dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which enhances flow-mediated vasodilation of the penile arteries. Now Available in Pakistan
Ingredients: Cowhage or Velvet Bean, Shilajeet, Small Caltrops, Winter Cherry.
Use Instructions: take two pills twice a day for 30 to 45 days, then cut back to one tablet twice a day as a maintenance dose. higher dosages as advised by your physician.
Side Effects: Tentex forte is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.